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Cycling Tours - Top 5 Locations in Europe
Travelling the world is a dream of many and it has been for decades. The idea of going around a country or a part of the world you’ve never been to before is always appealing and many take the plunge every year, going to far out places and creating wonderful memories.
4 minutes
7 Winter Hiking Trails to try in the UK
Looking for something a bit different this winter season? A way to stay in shape while taking in the sights and sounds of the UK countryside? A way to relax and get away from the hustle and bustle and all of the festive noise? Why not try a winter hike?
4 minutes
Cycling Gear Essentials
With the weather continuing to look up and this being the first year of normality in a long while, there’s no better time to get the old bike out of the shed and go for a ride, either on the road or in the lovely countryside.
5 minutes
Winter Running Nutrition Tips
Winter or cold weather running can be a fun and enjoyable way to stay fit over the cold season; summer doesn’t have to mean an end or reduction to your exercise routine. With winter running comes different challenges however so your approach to nutrition needs to be different in order to achieve the best results.
2 minutes
7 Tips for Marathon Training
Marathons are a truly impressive feat of human endurance. Whether you’re in the back of the pack dressed as a banana or tearing through that ribbon in record time, the level of stamina and fitness required for a full marathon is truly impressive. 
7 minutes
5 Fascinating Facts About The Tour de France
The Tour de France is the biggest cycling event in the world, running since 1903. The event has been host to some truly memorable moments and winners over the years and there will no doubt be plenty of twists and turns in this year’s event which is set to start in Copenhagen on the 1st of July.
4 minutes
Hiking Tips for Beginners
With the summer finally here, it’s time to get out and enjoy the wonderful sights that the UK has to offer. One of the best ways to enjoy the outdoors is a hiking trip. 
4 minutes
Best Cycling Routes in Wales
Cycling is a favourite pastime across the UK and there are so many different paths and ranges across all 4 countries in the UK that it can be hard to locate the best routes that will best suit you and your cycling style. Wales is no exception with a wide variety of courses that suit different skill levels.
5 minutes
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